What is the name of Ag_2O?

1 Answer
May 12, 2016

Here's my thought process:

  • From formula: "Ag" -> silver, just from looking at the periodic table.
  • "O": second column from neon, so the oxidation state is ""^(-2) since it would want to gain two electrons as a free element to get an octet valency.
  • This is a combination of a metal ("Ag") and nonmetal ("O") -> ionic compound.
  • Ionic compound -> oxidation state of "O" = actual charge. Thus, the charge on oxygen is ""^(2-). -> anion
  • "O": anion stem = "ox"
  • Anion ending in an ionic compound: "-ide"
  • There are two equivalents of silver, due to the color(blue)(""_2) subscript.
  • The charge on silver for the neutral "Ag"_2"O" is gotten from solving color(blue)(2)stackrel("Ag")overbrace((""^(?+))) + stackrel("O")overbrace((""^(2-))) = 0 for "?".
  • Thus, the charge on silver is color(blue)(""^(1+)).

Knowing the charge, and recalling the roman numeral for ""^(1+) is \mathbf("I"), we now have the name.

cation name + roman numeral in parentheses + anion stem + anion ending

  • Cation name: silver
  • Roman numeral: \mathbf("I")
  • Anion stem: "ox"
  • Anion ending: "-ide"

Silver + (I) + ox + ide

-> Silver(I) oxide