What is the past tense of "be"? Could you tell me all the forms of be? My book asked me to use be in a past perfect tense. English Grammar Parts of Speech Verbs 1 Answer Karen L. May 4, 2016 see below Explanation: All forms past 1st & 3d singular- was; 2d singular-were; plural- were; past subjunctive- were; past participle- been; present participle- being; present 1st singular- am; 2d singular- are; 3d singular-is; plural-are; present subjunctive-be Answer link Related questions What are linking verbs, helping verbs, and action verbs? How are they different? What's the difference between a verb and an action verb? What is a passive verb? What are some examples? What is a linking verb? Is "is" a verb? What is a verb tense shift? What is a compound verb and some examples? What is the definition of an action verb? What's the difference between a verb, adverb, and adjective? What is a verb phrase? See all questions in Verbs Impact of this question 5068 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License