What is the process of meiosis 1 and 2?

1 Answer
Jun 17, 2016

Meiosis is the type of cell division that produces gametes.


It involves two phases of cell division to produce four haploid cells.

Meiosis 1 consists of

  • Prophase 1 - Homologous chromosomes pair up and crossing over occurs which is vital for genetic variation.

  • Metaphase 1 - The paired chromosomes lined up in the middle of the cell.

  • Anaphase 1 - Homologous pair separates from each other, with each moving to opposite sites of the cell.

  • Telophase 1 & Cytokinesis - Two haploid daughter cells are resulted as they continue for meiosis II

Meiosis II have similar processes

  • Prophase II

  • Metaphase II

  • Anaphase II

  • Telophase II and Cytokinesis

The only difference is that sister chromatids that line up along the equator of the cell in meiosis II and the end results are four haploid cells result. Each cell has a unique combination of chromosomes.

See Meiosis at http://johnkyrk.com/meiosis.html for a detailed summary.
