What is the sum of all numbers between 50 to 350 that are divisible by 4?

1 Answer
Mar 9, 2018

Sum of all numbers between #50# to #350# that are divisible by #4# is #15000#.


As we are seeking numbers between #50# and #350# that are by #4#, the number divisible by #4# just after #50# is #52# and just before #350#, it is #348#.

Therefore, it is apparent that first number is #52# and then they follow as #56,60,64,.............,348# and say #348# is #n^(th)# term.

These are in an arithmatic sequence with first term as #a_1=52#, common difference as #4# and hence #n^(th)# term is #a_1+(n-1)d# and as #a_1=52# and #d=4#

we have #a_n=a_1+(n-1)d=348# i.e. #52+(n-1)xx4=348#

i.e. #4(n-1)=348-52=296#

or #n-1=296/4=74#

and #n=75#

As sum #S_n# of such an arithmatic series is given by


= #75/2(52+348)#

= #75/2xx400#

= #75xx200#

= #15000#