What organ functions as both an endocrine and exocrine organ?
2 Answers
The Pancreas acts as both an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland.
The Pancreas acts as both an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland.
When the pancreas secretes pancreatic juices into the duodenum of the digestive system, those pancreatic enzymes are actually working outside of the human body. Technically the food that is being processed in the digestive tract is actually not yet part of the body until it is absorbed through the walls of the intestines and into the body tissues.
We can think of the digestive tract as the hole of a donut. The empty space is actually not part of the donut. Therefor the pancreatic enzymes in the intestine are exocrine in nature.
When the pancreas secretes insulin from the Islets of Langerhans, the insulin is introduced into the blood tissue and becomes and endocrine hormone.
Pancreas is the common organ. There are some others like Liver, Kidney, and Gonads
Liver: Exocrine function is secretion of bile through biliary tract. Endocrine function is to release IFG (Insulin like Growth Factors) that are needed for skeletal growth
Kidney: Exocrine function is secretion of urine through the pelvis. Endocrine function is the production and secretion of three hormones: Erythropoietin, Calcitriol and Renin (technically an enzyme but functionally a hormone)
Testis: Exocrine function is secretion of sperm through vas deferens. Endocrine function is production of testosterone
Ovary: Exocrine function is ovulation. Endocrine function is production of estrogen and progesterone.