What unit of measure does the Hubble constant use?

1 Answer
Apr 24, 2016



As of now, based on advanced technological methods in

measurements, the Hubble constant in the formula,

Recession speed = #H_o# X distance,

#H_o#= 68 km/s/parsec, a little less than earlier estimates around 70. .

This means that a galaxy is relatively receding at a rate 68 km/sec

per the spacing of 1 parsec.

For N parsecs the recession speed = N km/s.

Here, 1 megaparsec = 1 million parsec and 1 parsec = 206265 AU =

30857 billion km.

So, 1 megaparsec = 30857 million billion km = 3 X #10^19# km, nearly.. .