When evaluating the following expression, which operations must be done first, third, and fifth?: #3-2*(2+4)+5-(3/2)^3#

1 Answer

First: addition inside the bracket.
Third: multiplication
Fifth: addition


We follow the Order of Operations, also known as PEMDAS:

  • #color(red)(P)# - Parentheses (also known as Brackets)
  • #color(blue)(E)# - Exponents
  • #color(green)(M)# - Multiplication
  • #color(green)(D)# - Division (this has the same weight as M and so I gave it the same colour)
  • #color(brown)(A)# - Addition
  • #color(brown)(S)# - Subtraction - (again, same weight as A and so the same colour)

So in the expression


we first look for #color(red)(P)#. There are two of them: #2+4# and a fraction #3/2#. We can't really do anything with the fraction for now, so let's do #2+4# first:


Now we look for #color(blue)(E)#, which brings us back to that fraction:


Next we look for #color(green)(M)# and #color(green)(D)# - and we have #2xx6#, which we'll be doing third


Now we do our #color(brown)(A)# and #color(brown)(S)#, working from left to right. So the fourth thing we do is #3-12#:


and the fifth thing we do is #-9+5#


And to finish this off:
