When is a person called mental unstable?

1 Answer
Feb 16, 2018

Explained below.


Being "mentally stable" is subjective depending on who you ask. Most psychologists have a different interpretation of mental stability and how to achieve it, so keep that in mind when reading the rest of this answer.

Mental stability can be determined by observing your mental health. It has nothing to do with physical conditions (unless they are a symptom of a mental illness/disorder [i.e: trichotillomania stemming from anxiety results in hair loss, which is a physical condition]).

Mental health is your overall psychological well-being. A person who is "mentally healthy" is someone who lacks mental illness or mental illness symptoms. Thus, believing this rule of thumb, "mentally unhealthy" would be someone who carries these mental illnesses.

Determining when to call someone mentally unstable is a hard thing to do. Some say that it's proper to deem someone mentally unstable after a clinical diagnosis and some say that it can be determined once that disorder interrupts someone's everyday way of life.

Stability is a state of being firmed fixed and secured. If someone's psyche wanes from good mental health (a state where mental disturbances aren't an issue), they would be more unstable than others.