Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton?

2 Answers
Mar 7, 2018

Below vv


She was a suffragist and civil rights activist who became involved in the abolitionist movement. She helped organize the world's first ever women's rights convention, taking place in 1848.

Hope I helped, Good day!

Sources: https://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/elizabeth-cady-stanton

Mar 7, 2018

She was an early feminist


Stanton was born in 1815 and died in 1902. She opposed slavery and advocated women enfranchisement. She also embodied the temperance movement which longed to make alcohol consumption. She opposed giving added legal protection and voting rights to African American men while women, black and white, were denied those same rights.

She is also known for her Declaration of sentiments given in 1848 in Seneca Falls at a convention