Why do people say natural selection is wrong?

1 Answer
Apr 10, 2018

Natural selection is wrong as a cause of adaptation.


Natural selection was proposed as the means by which descent with modification had caused the great variation of life observed in the world today. Modern empirical science has shown that natural selection working alone can not explain the hypothesis of descent with modification.

That natural selection occurs is not an issue. The movement within a species and changes in population densities are easily observed in nature. Examples such as the Peppered moths of England and Darwin's finches are well known. The problem is that can natural selection explain descent with modification?

When Darwin first proposed descent with modification it was felt that natural variation within a species was infinite. This meant that natural selection had an infinite potential to select the variations best adapted to the environment. The experiments of Gregor Mendel showing that genetics is basically conservative and there are definite limits to natural variation were not well known at the time Darwin proposed his theory. When the laws of genetics became well known natural selection as a means of adaptation became impossible. selection can only cause the extinction of poorly adapted variations not cause new variations.

The idea that random spontaneous mutations could be the source of infinite variations needed for descent with modification has also been disproven. DNA is now known as an information code. All empirical evidence indicates that mutations always result in a losse of information. Descent with modification requires an increase in information. No experiments have shown that mutations have resulted in positive variations.

Natural selection occurs. That natural selection can be cause of descent with modification is wrong. Natural selection can only cause extinction of variations. Natural selection can not cause adaptations.