Why is it correct to say "The purpose of this visit is to help TO develop Polo world wide." Instead of "The purpose of this visit is to help develop Polo worldwide." When do you have to use "to"?

2 Answers
Mar 19, 2018

for infinitive use


is to help to develop POLO worldwide.
except causative few verbs and few situation of "to" usage as a preposition use of "to," is always an infinitive.

I saw the blind man cross the road. EXCEPTION.
Few perception verbs are included like it, they need ZERO /bare infinitives.
I am looking forward to hearing you soon. EXCEPTION.
Don't be misguided here the "to" is not an infinitive, it is a preposition here,.
Like all modal verbs need bare infinitives.
Hope it works.

Mar 19, 2018

Saying "The purpose of this visit is to help develop Polo worldwide" isn't correct. Instead, it should be "The purpose of this visit is to help developing Polo worldwide.

The reason it is better to say "The purpose of this visit is to help to develop Polo worldwide" is because develop is also a verb, so you wanna make sure you add that to in there.