Why is ozone molecule polar?
Is O3 molecule polar or non-polar? I am confused. If it is molar, could you explain why?
Thinking you.
Is O3 molecule polar or non-polar? I am confused. If it is molar, could you explain why?
Thinking you.
1 Answer
The reason the molecule is polar lies in the bonding between the three Oxygen atoms concerned.
The distribution of electrons across the molecule is uneven – since the middle oxygen atom has to share electrons with two other atoms, but the other atoms only have to share electrons with one other atom. This results in the central atom having 'less share' of the electron density compared to the others.
We describe this as the central atom as having a formal charge of +1, with the other atoms having a formal charge of − 1⁄2 each.
The -1/2 charge is due to the fact that electron density moves around the molecule continually and thus both atoms exhibit the same properties. Because of this, Ozone has a 'resonance' habit to its structure.