Why doesn't Socratic doesn't has a separate section for philosophy even if it is named after a great thinker?

1 Answer
Mar 11, 2018

The reason Socratic doesn't have a philosophy section is that philosophy is very opinion-based.

For example, the philosophy class at my high school answers essay questions like:

"Do people really have free will?"

"Is coincidence real? Or are there greater powers at work?"

"Do souls exist? What does it mean to live?"

"Why do we dream?"

All of these questions (and more that I didn't list) could have different answers from everyone, and there wouldn't really be any consensus.

I think the point of having Answer and Explanation boxes when you answer a question is so that there is a right or correct answer and reasoning for why it is correct, when in philosophy there is never really a "correct" answer.

But that's just my opinion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯