Answers created by phoebe
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In Act V of The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, why does Macbeth believe that Malcolm cannot harm him?
What type of plays did Shakespeare write?
How does Hamlet react to Ophelia when she returns his gifts, and why?
What is Hamlet wearing when he first appears onstage?
Why doesn't Hamlet kill Claudius when he hears him confessing?
Whom does Hamlet accidentally kill, and why?
In "Hamlet", why doesn't Hamlet kill Claudius when he discovers him in an attitude of prayer?
How did Macbeth and Lady Macbeth change over the course of the play?
What are two examples of a hyperbole in act 3 of "Romeo and Juliet"?
Where is indirect characterization about Romeo found in the story?
What is the difference between a motif and a repetition in a poem? Could you give me an example as well?
Why would a poet use no capitalization or punctuation?
What are examples of verses from Rap songs, with the artist, that show exact rhyme, internal rhyme, end rhyme, and slant rhyme?
Question #dde50
How do I write a paper in third person present tense? What words can I not say? (e.g. me you him her, we) My teacher is a stickler.
Why does Friar Lawrence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?
In "Romeo and Juliet", what bird does Juliet try to convince Romeo that they heard? Why?
What is the characterization of Juliet Capulet, other than she was hasty?
What does "diction" mean in poetry? What does my English teacher mean when he refers to a poet's diction?
What is the point of view of Hamlet?
What are examples of foreshadowing in Romeo and Juliet, specifically act 1 scenes 1-5? Could you explain why?
What is the purpose of the prologue in Romeo and Juliet?
What genres of books work best with first-person and third-person point of view?
Why shouldn't you use first and second person pronouns in writing?
I've read multiple sentences, mostly from articles that quote someone or thing, in which something is said and then a word is in brackets. For example: "And then [she] said..." Why do people do this and what does it mean?
Can you write a book in first person and third? Can you switch them?
What are descriptive adjectives to describe Odysseus from The Odyssey?
Can you help me understand what Deus ex Machina is and give me some examples of it from the Odyssey?
Is the following sentence missing semicolons or commas? If so, where?:
Not all highly educated people enjoy traveling but many world travelers are particularly well educated.
What is the difference between brackets and parentheses? Are they British and American versions of the same thing?
Is it correct to put brackets inside of brackets in a sentence? For example: (writing (here))
What is an Elizabethan tragedy and what is the best way to describe it?
If there are no parenthesis in an equation then do you still follow order of operations?
What would be the correct order of the punctuation marks for the following sentence?
What is the subject in the sentence? It is singular or plural? What is the verb?
Sally hates pie.
What is the definition of third person point of view?
Act Two of "Macbeth" contains the famous "dagger” soliloquy. Why does Macbeth say the things he does in his private speech?
Is this the correct punctuation? I need help with these sentences. If not, why?
How does Nurse react to Lord and Lady Capulet's outrage that Juliet is refusing to marry their chosen suitor in Romeo and Juliet?
Is "am" a noun or verb? For example, "I am a winner."
You have been saving pennies in a jar, and you now have 123 pennies. You want to know the total mass of the pennies before you take them to the bank. If each penny has a mass of 2.50 g, what is the total mass of the pennies?
What are some examples of onomatopoeia in The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe?
What are examples of similes?
What was Hamlet's famous "to be or not to be" speech about?
In A Midsummer Night's Dream, who is the queen of the fairies?
What are songs with onomatopoeia in the lyrics? The song also has to have other literary devices such as simile and metaphors.
What are some examples of hubris?
What is blank verse? What is an example of a blank verse in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare?
Is "The door creaked." an example of an onomatopoeia?
Can anyone give me examples of hubris in Greek/Roman mythology? All I can really think of is Arachne and Athena.
Is the Harry Potter series an allegory?
What does positive and negative connotation mean?
What are the first, second, and third person pronouns?
How do you convert 40 ounces to pounds?
What is m * n when m=13 and n=12?
What is Prince Escalus's reaction to the quarreling between the Capulet and Montague families in Romeo and Juliet?
What are the last two lines of a Shakespearean sonnet called?
What is the difference between relative and interrogative pronouns?
How do you change the following sentence to the past tense?:
The train is reaching its destination.
What are the nouns in the following sentence?:
When Richard took the keyboard out of his backpack, he noticed that three keys were missing.
Who is Romeo in love with before he falls for Juliet?
What is a possessive pronoun?
Who is Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet?
What purpose docs Mercutio's speech about Mab, Queen of the Fairies, serve in Romeo and Juliet?
How does Romeo interfering with Mercutio and Tybalt's fight affect the outcome of Romeo and Juliet?
Why won't Romeo fight with Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet?
Question #f6d1f
What is Macduff's reaction to the flight of Duncan's sons in Shakespeare's play Macbeth?
When was Shakespeare born?
What is the preamble in the Declaration of Independence?
Who invented the lightning rod, bifocals, and the catheter?
How do molecules move in fluids?