How does logistic growth occur?

1 Answer
Oct 16, 2014

Logistic growth of population occurs when the rate of its growth is proportional to the product of the population and the difference between the population and its carrying capacity M, i.e.,

{dP}/{dt}=kP(M-P), where k is a constant,

with initial population P(0)=P_0.

As you can see above, the population grows faster as the population gets larger; however, as the population gets closer to its carrying capacity M, the growth slows down.

by separating variables and integrating,

Rightarrow int 1/{P(M-P)}dP=int kdt

by Partial Fraction Decomposition,

Rightarrow 1/M int(1/P+1/{M-P})dP=int kdt

by multiplying by M,

Rightarrow int(1/P+1/{M-P})dP=int kMdt

Rightarrow ln|P|-ln|M-P|=kMt+C_1

Rightarrow ln|P/{M-P}|=kMt+C_1

Rightarrow |P/{M-P}|=e^{kMt+C_1}=e^{kMt}cdot e^{C_1}

Rightarrow P/{M-P}=pm e^{C_1}e^{kMt}=Ce^{kMt}

Since P(0)=P_0,


So, the equation becomes


by solving for P, we have the logistic equation

Rightarrow P(t)=M/{1+(M/P_0-1)e^{-kMt}}.

I hope that this was helpful.