What type of bonding is in the #sf(N_2)# molecule ?

1 Answer
Jan 7, 2015

In the nitrogen molecule the atoms are held together by triple covalent bonds.

The electron structure of nitrogen is #1s^(2)2s^(2)2p^(3)#'

There are therefore 5 valence electrons. These are able to form a triple bond with one non - bonding pair on each atom:


The molecular orbital diagram is:


The #2p_z# overlap "head on" to give a #sigma# bonding and a # sigma** # antibonding orbital.

The #2p_x# and #2p_y# are orthogonal (at right angles) and overlap to give two #pi# bonding orbitals and two #pi**# antibonding orbitals. Each pair (#2p_x# and #2p_y#) overlaps like this:


Here we can see that the number of bonding electrons ( #N_b#) is 8 and the number of antibonding electrons (#N_a#) is 2.

The bond order #=((N_b-N_a))/(2)=((8-2))/(2)=3#