How do limits work in calculus?

1 Answer
Jul 27, 2015

The same way they work in Pre-Calculus.

Limits convey the action of approaching a coordinate in a graph that may or may not exist in the curve itself, whether it's due to an asymptote or a discontinuity. It tends to describe a value that you are unsure exists and can be used as a systematic way of determining whether or not it does. You can approach from the left or right in a y = f(x)y=f(x) graph.

For example:
lim_(x->0^+) 1/x = oo
"The limit as x approaches 0 from the positive/right side of 1/x is infinity"

lim_(x->0^-) 1/x = -oo
"The limit as x approaches 0 from the negative/left side of 1/x is negative infinity"

lim_(h->0) [f(x+h) - f(x)]/h
"The limit as h approaches a very small number from either side of (f(x+h) - f(x))/h is the slope of the function h units away from the point of examination"

which basically says that if you zoom in very far into a function, it looks linear and you can use the basic slope formula at that close zoom to find the slope. h is some very small value, hence the h->0.