Question #b4606

1 Answer
Sep 23, 2015

y= -3/5x +9/5


First of all, I'm not sure why you posted this question in chemistry.
Anyway, firstly you subtract 3x from both sides

cancel(color(red)(-3x))+cancel(3x) +5y= 9 color(red)(-3x)

to get

5y = 9-3x

Then you divide both sides by 5

cancel(5)y/(cancel(color(red)(5))) = (9-3x)/(color(red)(5))

to get

y = (9-3x)/5

Distribute the 5 to each term

y= 9/(color(red)(5))-(3x)/(color(red)(5)

Rearrange (not necessary) to obtain the answer:

y= -3/5x +9/5