What is the bond polarity of the water molecule?

1 Answer



The polarity of water can be calculated by finding the sum of the two dipole moments of both O-HOH bonds.

For ionic compounds, the dipole moment could be calculated by:


where, muμ is the dipole moment,
QQ is the coulomb charge Q=1.60xx10^(-19)CQ=1.60×1019C,
and rr is the bond length or the distance between two ions.

For covalent compounds, the expression becomes:


where, deltaδ is the partial charge on atoms.

For water, the partial charges are distributed as follows:


It is more complicated to calculate the partial charge on each atom, that is why I will skip this part.

The dipole moment of the O-HOH bond is mu=1.5Dμ=1.5D, where DD is the Debye unit where, 1D=3.34xx10^(-30)C*m1D=3.34×1030Cm.

So the net dipole moment of water could be calculated by summing the two dipole moments of both O-HOH bonds

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Note that 104.5^@104.5 is the bonds angle in water.