We are talking here about a limit of a function f(x) as its argument x approaches a concrete real number A within its domain.
It's not a limit when an argument tends to infinity.
The argument x can tend to a concrete real number A in several ways:
(a) x->A while x < A, denoted sometimes as x->A^-
(b) x->A while x > A, denoted sometimes as x->A^+
(c) x->A without any additional conditions
All the above cases are different and conditional limits (a) and (b), when x->A^- and x->A^+, might or might not exist independently from each other and, if both exist, might or might not be equal to each other.
Of course, if unconditional limit (c) of a function when x->A exists, the other two, the conditional ones, exist as well and are equal to the unconditional one.
The limit of f(x) when x->A^- is a one-sided (left-sided) limit.
The limit of f(x) when x->A^+ is also one-sided (right-sided) limit.
If they both exist and equal, we can talk about two-sided limit
So, two-sided limit can be defined as follows:
L=lim_(x->A^-)f(x) exists AND
R=lim_(x->A^+)f(x) exists AND
THEN value L=R is called a two-sided limit.