How does the integumentary system work?

1 Answer
Feb 17, 2016

This a big question because the of the integumentary system is rather complicated. In any case the integumentary system is all about protection and does it by


The system protects your body from disease by providing a barrier to viruses and bacteria. The system protects your body from physical damage by offering a thick barrier that both contains your internal organs and stops large objects, like a sharp objects from entering your body. The system also protects your body from dehydration, overheating, or freezing. The layer of skin can sweat and help your body cool or surround a layer of fat that keeps warmer temperatures inside. The integumentary system work with other systems to protect and serve all the other systems the make you.

Your skin has tiny glands that secrete sweat and oil. Those glands are termed exocrine glands and are not like the glands of your endocrine system. While it may feel a bit slimy, those fluids decrease the pH on the surface of your skin and kill microorganisms. There are even enzymes in your sweat that can digest bacteria.

The integumentary system also works closely with the circulatory system and the surface capillaries through your body. Capillaries near the surface of the skin open when your body needs to cool off and close when you need to conserve heat. We can't leave out the important sense of touch. Your nervous system depends on neurons embedded in your skin to sense the outside world.