Why can’t we determine the distances to galaxies using the geometric method of trigonometric parallax ?

1 Answer

There is a limit in using parallax method to find stellar distance.


  1. It is about 40 \quad pc for ground based observations.
  2. Hipparcos : In 1989 ESA launched Hipparcos (HIgh Precision PARallax COllection Satellite) which could measure parallaxes as small as 1 \quad milli-arc seconds which translate to a distance of 1000\quad pc = 1 \quad kpc
  3. GAIA: In 2013 ESA launched the GAIA satellite, a successor to Hipparcos which can measure parallaxes as small as 10\quad micro arc-seconds which translate to a distance of 10^5\quad pc = 100 \quad kPc
  4. SIM: NASA had its own Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) which planned to measure parallaxes as small as 4\quad micro src-seconds which translates to a distance of 250\quad kpc. But the mission had been finally cancelled.

The LMC and SMC dwarf galaxy systems (Large Magellenic Cloud and Small Magellenic Cloud) at distances of approximately 50 \quad kpc and 64\quad kpc come inside the resolution of GAIA. But the Andromeda galaxy our nearest neighbour after these dwarf galaxies lie at a distance of 778\quad kpc which lies well outside GAIA's capacity to probe.

When distance increase the Angle become very small and is difficult to measure..In such case a Cepheid variable is used as standard candle to measure distances.

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