What are three numbers between 0.33 and 0.34?

1 Answer
Apr 3, 2016

Please see below.


Before you write three numbers between #0.33# and #0.34#, you need to indicate whether you want rational numbers or real numbers (that is including irrational numbers).

Between any two rational numbers #a# and #b#, we have #(a+b)/2# as another rational number. Then similarly you can additional rational numbers between #a# and #(a+b)/2# and between #(a+b)/2# and #b#.

Hence we can have #0.3325#, #0.335# and #0.3375# as three rational numbers between #0.33# and #0.34#.

Irrational numbers are non-terminating and non-repeating numbers. Hence they could be
and #0.3307007000700007....#.