How does antibiotic resistance develop? Biology Evolution Evolution of Resistant Bacteria 1 Answer Hunt B. May 4, 2016 Mutations in a strain cause bacteria to react differently to drugs. Surviving bacteria become resistant. Bacteria of different strains can swap bits of DNA passing on resistance to other strains. Answer link Related questions How can you prevent the evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria? What has caused the evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria? What do plasmids often contain that is helpful for bacterial survival? What is an example of evolution of a resistant bacteria? What proof do evolutionists have that bacteria or viruses evolve? Over time staph bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotic penicillin. Which process... Is it true that bacteria becoming resistant to drugs results from a loss of genetic information,... How has MRSA become resistant to antibiotics? How did antibiotics originally kill the bacteria? What can we do to stop the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria? Jay is given antibiotics for an infection. soon he feels better, so he doesn't finish the full... See all questions in Evolution of Resistant Bacteria Impact of this question 2623 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License