How do you convert 4.64 into a fraction and percent?

1 Answer



Let's first convert 4.64 into a fraction. To do that, let's first put 4.64 into the numerator and 1 into he denominator (which we can do because anything divided by 1 is equal to itself):


So technically we've made 4.64 into a fraction. But usually these kinds of questions are asking for us to make a fraction that gets rid of the decimal point. To do that. let's first notice that if the decimal point were to move two places to the right, it'd no longer be shown (we'd have the number 464) and to do that we need to multiply 4.64 by 100. If we do that to the numerator only, we've changed the value of the fraction (from 4.64 to 464), so we also need to put 100 into the denominator. Like this:


That is a valid fraction. Now because the question doesn't ask about reducing the fraction, I'll refrain from getting into that topic here.

So let's talk about making this into a percentage. When making a percentage, one of the ways we can do it is to take a fraction (like what we have) that has a denominator equal to 100 (which we also have), grab the numerator (#464#), put a % sign behind it, and we're done:
