Detailed explanation on how to deal with converting the whole numbers into fraction form. Also how to convert the fraction such that the fraction's bottom numbers (denominators) are the same.
#color(brown)("Five important facts")#
#color(brown)("Fact 1")#
#" "# Multiply a number by 1 and you do not change its value.
#color(brown)("Fact 2")#
#" "#The value of 1 comes in many forms so you can change the
#" "# way a number looks without changing its inherent value.
#color(brown)("Fact 3")#
#" "# The way that a fraction functions means that it is
#" "#basically of the structure type:
#" "("count of what you are looking at")/("size indicator of what you are looking at")#
#color(brown)("Fact 4")#
#" "#You can not directly subtract or add the count parts of
#" "#fractions unless their size parts are the same.
#color(brown)("Fact 5")#
#" "#Once the size parts of fractions are the same adding or #" "#subtracting the count parts does not change the size part.
#color(blue)("Consider " 3 5/8)#
Write as #3/1+5/8#
To make the size parts (denominators) the same multiply #3/1# by 1 but in the form of #8/8# giving
#(3/1xx8/8)+5/8" "->" "((3xx8)/(1xx8))+5/8#
#=" "24/8+5/8" " =" " (24+5)/8" "=" "color(green)( 29/8)#
#color(blue)("Consider " 4 3/12)#
Write as #4/1+3/12#
Multiply #4/1# by 1 but in the form of #1=12/12# giving
#(4/1xx12/12)+3/12" "->" "((4xx12)/(1xx12))+3/12#
#=36/12+3/12" "=" "(36+3)/12" "=" "color(green)(39/12)#
From this point you should be able to take over!