What is the sum of #1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+1234567890+9876543210+99999999+(0xx9001)-9999999+(-999999999)#?

I want to know

1 Answer
Jun 28, 2016



This is a test to see if you spot thing and give you practice of splitting your solution up into smaller parts.
Consider #1+2+...+8+9#

Take the outermost values and pair them then work your way in.

Then there is 5

#color(blue)(=> 4xx10+5=45)#
Consider #1234567890+9876543210#

Write as
#" "1234567890#
#ul(" "9876543210+#
#color(white)(.)1 1111111100#

So the questions sum from the left to this point is:

Consider #+99999999 + (0xx9001) - 9999999#

#0xx9001 = 0# so we can totally forget about that as it is part of addition so has no effect.

So now we have

#ul(color(white)(9)9999999)" "larr" this is a negative value"=>Subtract#

So the questions sum from the left to this point is:

Consider the last value #+(-999999999)#

Plus and minus together like this make a minus so we have

So the questions sum from the left to this point is:


So the last two numbers can be written as
#ul(999999999) larr" negative value => subtract"#

There are different ways of dealing with this. This is just one way

#999999999 larr "Negative value"#
#ul(color(white)(9)90000000) larr "Positve value but subtract it"#
#900000000 larr "Negative answer"#

So the questions sum from the left to this point is:

Consider the last two from the previous part solution


#ul(color(white)(1)900000000 )larr" negative value so subtract"#

#color(blue)(45+211111100color(green)(= 211111145)#