When this chemical equation is correctly balanced, what is the coefficient of the carbon dioxide molecule?
1 Answer
Surely it is
The balanced chemical equation for this combustion reaction is:
Now this equation is stoichiometrically balanced: it is balanced with respect to charge as well as mass. For every carbon atom reactant particle, there is a carbon atom product particle; the same for hydrogen; and the same for oxygen.
Now you might not see this at the moment, but if you succeed in chemistry, and I think you will, you will become very adept at looking these sorts of reactions, and establishing balance, i.e. stoichiometry. Stoichiometry is a fancy word meaning
Likewise, in the banking caper, when you write a cheque (a debit item), there must be some corresponding credit item made to someone's account (i.e. your creditor). For every credit, there must be an equal and corresponding debit. Of course, sometimes debit and credit items don't add up. That's when you end up on a call queue to complain about a
So try this out. Represent the combustion of