How do you determine conjugate acid and base pairs?

1 Answer
Aug 11, 2016

See this [old answer.](


The conjugate base of any acid HAHA simply the acid MINUS a proton, H^+H+; when we do this for HAHA we get A^-A. Likewise the conjugate acid of any base A^-A is simply the base plus a proton, H^+H+, to give HAHA. Mass and charge are conserved.

To use sulfuric acid as an example, we start with the H_2SO_4H2SO4 formula; less a proton, this gives HSO_4^-HSO4 as the conjugate base, and the conjugate base of "bisulfate"bisulfate is "sulfate"sulfate ion, SO_4^(2-)SO24. All I am doing is exchanging protons, H^+H+, and conserving mass and charge.

Can you tell the conjugate bases of the following acids: HClO_4HClO4; H_3PO_4H3PO4; NH_4^+NH+4; NH_3NH3; NH_2^-NH2; HC-=CHHCCH; NH^(2-)NH2?