How do you write 3/40 as a percentage?

2 Answers



First of all, you have to represent this rational number as a decimal fraction.
Dividing #3# by #40#, you get #0.075#.

The percentage is just 100 times greater than decimal presentation, so it will be

Or use the decimal as a fraction with a power of 10 as the denominator.

#0.075 = 75/1000 (div10)/(div10) = 7.5/100 = 7.5%#

Aug 18, 2016

.#7.5/100 = 7.5%#


To write a fraction as a percentage the easiest method is if we can change the denominator to 100.

#3/40 xx2.5/2.5 = 7.5/100 = 7.5%#

In many cases that method does not work,
so we can also do this by #xx 100%#

#3/40 xx 100%#
