Does S_5 have a subgroup of order 40?

1 Answer
Sep 15, 2016

I don't have a complete answer for you, but here are a few thoughts...


S_5 is of order 5! = 120.

By Lagrange's Theorem, any subgroup of S_5 must have order a which divides evenly into of the order of S_5, i.e. must be a factor of 120.

The converse is not true. That is, if a group has order a factor of 120 then it is not necessarily a subgroup of S_5. For example, C_8 has order 8, which is a factor of 120, but S_5 contains no element of order 8, so no subgroup isomorphic to C_8.

It may help to look at what the possible generators of a subgroup of order 40 might be. Such a subgroup would contain an element of order 5. Hence up to isomorphism, one of its generators is the 5 cycle (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). It must also contain an element of order 2. Up to isomorphism this element of order 2 can be assumed to permute 1, so it can be taken to be one of:

(a)" "(1, 2)" " i.e. one adjacent transposition

(b)" "(1, 3)" " i.e. one non-adjacent transposition

(c)" "(1, 2)(3, 4)" " i.e. two adjacent transpositions

(d)" "(1, 3)(2,4)" " i.e. two non-adjacent transpositions

(e)" "(1, 2)(3, 5)" " i.e. one adjacent, one non-adjacent transpositions

Combined with (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) these five possibilities generate subgroups isomorphic to:

(a) " "S_5" " order 120

(b) " "S_5" " order 120

(c) " "A_5" " order 60

(d) " "D_5" " order 10

(e) ?

Anyway, we can look through possible generators and equivalences, hence enumerating and excluding possibilities.