Question #ed439

1 Answer

graph{x^2+4 [-5, 5, 0, 10]}


choose a few arbitrary value for x and solve the equation and put points in (x,y) format in cartesian coordinates. Then combine them.

give x=0 to find at which point graph intercepts y axis,
if exists, try to find roots of the equation in order to get at which point(s) graph intercepts x axis. Note that graph may not intercept x axis...

Suppose that your equation is
to find if it intercepts x axis, calculate #Delta#
#Delta = b^2-4ac#

if #Delta < 0# then graph doesn't intercept x axis;

if #Delta>0# then graph intercepts x axis at following 2 points:

#x1 =(-b-sqrt(Delta))/(2a)#

#x2 =(-b+sqrt(Delta))/(2a)#

if #Delta = 0# then graph intercepts x axis at 1 point: