If we could send a camera into a blackhole, what would we see?

1 Answer
Oct 10, 2016

We would see nothing.


A black hole works like a vacuum, only using gravity instead of suction. However, a black hole is formed when a very large star dies and goes supernova. Meaning it runs out of nuclear fuel (gases) and explodes (for lack of better word) before collapsing and consuming itself until it's the size of a pin head.

Although it is now the size of a pin head it retains it former mass. Which is quite large considering the size of most stars.

During a stars life time it's gravity and pressure are balanced out by it's mass. However, when a star collapses gravity gets the upper hand and forces the star to collapse under it's own weight.

When this happens the core compacts in to such a small size it has practically no volume, but infinite density. Because of this the black hole starts to consume light. Meaning that the surrounding area becomes and cesspit of darkness that nothing can see through.

There for, no camera could possibly see anything because there is nothing to see.

It would also require a speed greater than light to escape the gravity. As no object can reach this speed anything that passes into the gravitational field will be trapped forever.

In summary, a camera would not be able to see anything because it would be too dark. Like walking through liquid tar.

However, if we could get a camera near a star as it collapses it would truly amazing to see.

Sorry if I rambled for a bit or didn't give you the answer you were looking for but I do hope this helped.

I don't think this photo is genuine but it looks cool.

Kind regards,

Google Images: Supernova