What characteristic is given by the angular momentum quantum number?
1 Answer
The angular momentum quantum number
Note that:
l_max = n - 1 l = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , n - 1 2l + 1 is the number of orbitals in a givenl subshell.l is the number of angular nodes in an orbital.
So two examples:
1s orbital:
bb(n = 1) for the principal quantum number (read it off the orbital name).Thus,
l_max = bb(l = 0) . This also means there is no angular node in the1s orbital.
2l + 1 = 2(0) + 1 = bb(1) . Thus, there is only one1s orbital.That is also determined by realizing that for the magnetic quantum number,
m_l = {0} due tol = 0 . i.e. the only1s orbital there is hasl = 0 .
2s, 2p orbital(s):
bb(n = 2) for the principal quantum number (read it off the orbital name).Thus,
bb(l = 0, 1) , andl_max = 1 . This also means there is no angular node in the2s orbital, butbb(1) angular node in each2p orbital.
- For the
2s orbital(s),2l + 1 = 2(0) + 1 = bb(1) . Thus, there is only one2s orbital.That is also determined by realizing that for the magnetic quantum number,
m_l = {0} due tol = 0 . i.e. the only1s orbital there is hasl = 0 .
- For the
2p orbital(s),2l + 1 = 2(1) + 1 = bb(3) . Thus, there are three2p orbitals.That is also determined by realizing that for the magnetic quantum number,
m_l = {-1, 0 +1} due tol = 1 . i.e. each2p orbital uniquely corresponds to eitherl = -1 ,0 , or+1 . As there are threem_l values, there are three2p orbitals.