How do you minimize and maximize f(x,y)=x^2-y/x constrained to 0<x+3y<2?

2 Answers
Dec 23, 2016

The intent may have been to apply derivatives, but the explanation below would seem to provide a simpler solution: (-oo,+oo)


Note that the constraint 0 < x+3y <2
allows xrarr +oo (provided 3y rarr -oo)
In which case f(x,y) rarr +oo

Note that the constraint 0 < x+3y < 2
allows x rarr 0+ (provided y > 0)
In which case f(x,y) rarr -oo

Dec 23, 2016

See below.


Given f(x,y)=x^2-y/x subjected to Omega(x,y)

Omega(x,y) ={ (x,y) | 0 < x+3y < 2}

We are looking for local minima/maxima.

This problem can be handled using lagrange multipliers. This can be done following the steps:

1) Describe Omega(x,y) through equality constraints
This can be done introducing the so called slack variables s_1,s_2 and making

g_1(x,y,s_1) = x + 3y - s_1^2=0
g_2(x,y,s_2) = x + 3y - 2+ s_2^2=0

then Omega(x,y) equiv g_1(x,y,s_1) nn g_2(x,y,s_2)

2) Form the Lagrangian

L(x,y,s_1,s_2,lambda_1,lambda_2)=f(x,y)+lambda_1g_1(x,y,s_1)+lambda_2 g_2(x,y,s_2)

3) Determine the stationary points of L(x,y,s_1,s_2,lambda_1,lambda_2)

This is done computing the solution to

grad L(x,y,s_1,s_2,lambda_1,lambda_2) = vec 0

where grad represents the partial derivatives operator

grad = (partial/(partial x),partial/(partial y),partial/(partial s_1),partial/(partial s_2),partial/(partial lambda_1),partial/(partial lambda_2))

so the equations which define the stationary points are

{ (lambda_1 + lambda_2 + 2 x + y/x^2= 0), (3 lambda_1 + 3 lambda_2 -1/x= 0), (2 lambda_1 s_1 =0), (2 lambda_2 s_2 = 0), ( x + 3 y-s_1^2 = 0), (x + 3 y-2 + s_2^2 = 0):}

Solving for x,y,s_1,s_2,lambda_1,lambda_2 we obtain the only real solution

((f(x,y),x,y,s_1,s_2,lambda_1,lambda_2),(1.775,-0.693, 0.897., -1.414, 0,0, -0.480) )

4) Qualifying the stationary points

This can be done computing (d^2(f @ g_i))/(dx^2) for i=1,2

and depending on the sign, if positive it is a local minimum and if negative a local maximum.

In our case,

(f@g_1)(x) = 1/3 + x^2
(f@g_2)(x) =1/3 - 2/(3 x) + x^2

(d^2)/(dx^2)(f@g_1)(x) = 2
(d^2)/(dx^2)(f@g_2)(x) =2 - 4/(3 x^3)

The evaluations must be done according to the values found for s_1 and s_2 so, this point shall be qualified with (d^2)/(dx^2)(f@g_2)(x), (s_2= 0)

Attached a plot showing the region with the objective function level curves, and the stationary point.

enter image source here

The qualification is left to the reader. I think it is a local minimum.

Note. Of course if the evaluation gives zero we will continue the qualification process but this is another chapter.