An -ate or -ite at the end of a compound name usually indicates that the compound contains what?

1 Answer
Jan 2, 2017

An old chestnut; the "ite" ending usually designates the next LOWER oxidation state. It generally relates to ions that contain more than one oxygen atom.


Sodium sulfate versus sodium sulfite, Na_2SO_4 versus Na_2SO_3. In the sulfate, sulfur expresses its maximum oxidation state, S(+VI); in the sulfite, Na_2SO_3, we have S(+IV).

Take perchlorates, and chlorates: ClO_4^- versus ClO_3^-, i.e. Cl(+VII) versus Cl(+V). And then there are chlorites and hypochlorites. This naming system is a bit old-fashioned, and tends not to be used anymore.