A distance is covered in #2# hours travelling at #60kmph#. What will be the time taken if the same distance is covered at #50kmph#?

1 Answer

Time taken to cover 120 kms is either #2.4# hrs or #2# hr #24# mts


Speed per hour #=60km#
The distance covered in 2 hours #=60 xx 2= 120# kms

Total distance covered is #120# kms

The same distance has to be covered at a speed of #50# kms/hour

Time taken to cover 50 kms is #=1# hr
Time taken to cover 1 km is #=1/50#hr
Time taken to cover 120 kms is #1/50xx120=2.4# hrs

[#0.4# hour is #0.4xx60=24# minutes}

Time taken to cover 120 kms is either #2.4# hrs or #2# hr #24# mts