If #a# and #b# are coprime and #c# is a factor of #a#, then prove that #b# and #c# too are coprime?

1 Answer
Mar 18, 2017

Please see below.


Numbers whose GCD is #1# are known as coprime or relatively prime.

If two numbers are prime numbers, they will be coprime. But even if there are two composite numbers, let us say #25# and #36#, as there is no common factor between them, they are coprime and their GCD is #1#.

Now as GCD of #a# and #b# is #1#, there is no common factor between them.

We have #c#, which is a factor of #a#, but as there is no common factor between #a# and #b#,

there will not be a common factor between #b# and #c#, as otherwise this common factor would have been GCD of #a# and #b#, (as it divides both).

Hence, GCD of #b# and #c# too is #1#.

As an example, GCD of #36# and #25# is #1#, but though #12# is a factor of #36#, GCD of #12# and #25# too is #1#