Use integration by parts. Let:
Just working with the remaining integral, let x=sintheta. This implies that sqrt(1-x^2)=costheta and dx=costhetad theta. Then:
int1/(xsqrt(1-x^2))dx=int1/(sinthetacostheta)costhetad theta=intcscthetad theta
Which is a commonly known integral. Also note that if sintheta=x, this is represented in a right triangle where the side opposite theta is x and the hypotenuse is 1. The leg adjacent to theta, then, is sqrt(1-x^2). From this right triangle we can say that csctheta=1/x and cottheta=sqrt(1-x^2)/x, which will be relevant:
Combining the denominators and inverting the fraction by bringing the -1 outside the natural log inside as a -1 power, and putting this result into the original expression we found from integration by parts, we find a final answer of: