All the monomials in the equation #15r^2-21r-18=0# are divisible by #3# and hence dividing both sides by #3#, we get
To solve this, we should first factorize LHS, where we have a quadratic polynomial. As the coefficients of #r^2# and constant term are opposite in sign and their product is #5xx6-30#, we should identify two factors of #30#, whose difference is #7#, the coefficient of middle term.
It is apparent that these are #10# and #3# and we should split middle term accordingly. Hence, this becomes
or #5r(r-2)+3(r-2)=0#
or #(5r+3)(r-2)=0#
#:.# either #5r+3=0# i.e. #5r=-3# and #r=-3/5#
or #r-2=0# i.e. #r=2#
Note : In case signs of the coefficients of #r^2# and constant term are same , you identify two factors of their product, whose sum is the coefficient of middle term.