How do you decide which is the correct form of a noun like plural, the singular possessive, or the plural possessive?

1 Answer

To determine the correct form of a noun:
- Use a singular noun for one person or thing (an apple ).
- Use a plural noun for two or more people or things (some apples ).
- Use a singular possessive form when something belongs to one person or thing (the apple's core).
- Use a singular possessive form when something belongs to two or more people or things (all of the apples' prices)


A singular noun is a word for one person, place, or thing.
A plural noun is a word for two or more people, places, or things.
A possessive noun indicates possession, ownership, origin, or purpose of the noun that follows. A singular or a plural noun can be possessive.

Jane had a bad day.
- Jane is a singular noun (one person)
- day is a singular noun (one thing)

The boys took the bus to school.
- boys is a plural noun (two or more people)
- bus is a singular noun (one thing)
- school is a singular noun (one thing)

Jane's face looked tired.
- Jane's is the possessive form of the singular noun.
- face is a singular noun that Jane possessed.

The boys' bus was crowded.
- boys' is the possessive form of the plural noun.
- bus is a singular noun intended for the boys.