Socratic Meta—what is it good for?

New guidelines for asking questions and posting answers in Socratic Meta.

1 Answer
Apr 28, 2017

Socratic Meta is a place that the Socratic community can use to ask questions and find out more about how Socratic works and share thoughts and ideas on how it can be improved.

Think of Meta as our very own Town Hall -- a platform that allows us to discuss and promote the mission and the values of the community, to help each other navigate and make the most out of the features that Socratic offers.

In a nutshell, Meta is a place that we can use to grow as a community and as a site.

Moreover, Meta will provide contributors with a communication channel for getting in touch with the members of the Socratic team, as well as with moderators, heroes, and featured answers reviewers.

Every contributor is encouraged to use Meta to

  • suggest new features or ways to improve the current ones
  • ask for help or clarification about anything related to Socratic (the website and the app) or its community
  • report inappropriate or abusive questions, answers, or users
  • report bugs

In this regard, it's important to keep in mind that Meta is not a random discussion area, so please do not use Meta for discussion topics that are unrelated to Socratic.

Avoid asking questions such as

  • What is your favorite movie/food/color/book/band/sports team etc. ?
  • Do you have a pet?
  • How old are you?
  • Do you have any siblings?
  • Android or iOS?

and so on and so forth. You get the idea.

Thank you and see you in Meta! :D