The fourth term in the expansion of #(x^2 + b)^11# is #55/72x^16#. What is the value of #b#?

1 Answer
Jun 16, 2017

#b = 1/6#


When expanding #(a + b)^n#, we typically go in descending powers of #a# and ascending powers of #b#.

There will be #11+ 1# terms in this expansion, since we must count the 0th term.

The first will be #"something"x^22#, the next #"something else"x^20#. If we continue like this, we see that the 4th term will be of the form #"something"x^16#.

Now, the formula for the nth term in a binomial expansion is #t_(k + 1) = color(white)(two)_nC_k a^(n - k)b^k#. So if we're looking for #t_4#, then

#k + 1 = 4 -> k = 3#

We know #t_4#, so we will be solving for b.

#55/72x^16 = color(white)(two)_11C_3 (x^2)^(11 - 3) b^3#

We compute #color(white)(two)_11C_3# using #color(white)(two)_nC_r = (n!)/((n - r)!r!)#.

#color(white)(two)_11C_3 = (11!)/((11 - 3)!3!) = 165#

Putting all of this back together:

#55/72x^16 = 165x^16b^3#

Our goal is to solve for #b#.

#(55/72x^16)/(165x^16) = b^3#

#55/11880= b^3#

You can use a calculator to simplify to

#b = 1/6#

Hopefully this helps!