Circle A has a radius of #2 # and a center of #(8 ,6 )#. Circle B has a radius of #4 # and a center of #(2 ,3 )#. If circle B is translated by #<-1 ,2 >#, does it overlap circle A? If not, what is the minimum distance between points on both circles?

1 Answer
Jul 23, 2017

The circles do not overlap and the distance is #=1.07#


The coordinates of the center of circle #B'# after translation is

#C_B'=(2,3)+<-1,2> = (1,5)#

The distance between the centers is


The sum of the radii is



#C_AC_B' > (r_A+r_B)#, the circles do not overlap

The shortest distance is #=7.07-6=1.07#

graph{((x-8)^2+(y-6)^2-4)((x-1)^2+(y-5)^2-16)=0 [-8.66, 16.65, -2.97, 9.69]}