How do you integrate #int (2x+1) /( (x-2)(x^2+4))# using partial fractions?

1 Answer
Sep 30, 2017



  1. First step in this problem is understanding that the use of partial fractions is valid since the numerator is a lesser degree of power than the denominator.

  2. Apply Partial Fractions:
    *Note that the denominator terms are Linear (left) and Quadratic (on the right), all this means is that they are terms that cannot be factorized further.
    Linear form = #A/(x-2)#
    Quadratic form = #(Bx+C)/(x^2+4)#

Add these two terms together and set it equal to the Numerator.

Simplify by multiplying A by the denomenator of the other fraction, and the same for B:

now distribute:

*Note: The biggest thing students confuse about partial fractions is this next step, in the left hand side you should think of it as #0x^2+2x+1# to understand that there are Zero #x^2#'s on the left.


Collect like terms:
#color(red)(x^2) rArr# #0=A+B#
#color(blue)x rArr# #2=-2B+C#
#color(green)"Integers"# #rArr# #1=4A-2C#

Solve by any method, here we will use substitution
Eq1: #0=A+B rArr [A=-B] hArr [B=-A]#
Eq2: #2=-2B+C rArr [2+2B=C]#
Eq3: #1=4A-2C rArr 1=2(2A-C) rArr [1/2=2A-C]#

Substitute in Eq1 and Eq2 into Eq3 to get:
#1/2 = 2(-B)-(2+2B)#

Solve for B:
Use B to solve for A
Use B to solve for C

Plug in A, B, and C values into original fraction:


Simplify into:

New integral is now represented by:

Remove constants to prepare for integration:

Break apart second integral (on the right) into two separate integrals (Mind the 1/8 multiplier) and remove the constants in the numerators


First integral:
Result is: #(5ln|x-2|)/8#

Second Integral:
Result Is: #(-5ln|x^2+4|)/2#

Third Integral:
Apply inverse trig formula by identifying denominator as Arctan:
#int1/(x^2+a^2)dx = 1/a * tan^-1(x/a)#
Where #[a^2=4] rArr [a=2]#
Result is: #3tan^-1(x/2)#

Plug these back into full equation and do not forget the #1/8# multiplier for the second and third integrals.


Distribute the #1/8# multiplier



You can simplify further if you like, however this is an acceptable answer.