Let the two numbers be say #8# and #36#.
Write out the prime factors of each number.
Observe that #color(red)(2xx2)# are common to both. Observe this is #HCF# of two numbers.
What are others? #color(purple)2# is remaining in first and #color(green)(3xx3)# remain in second.
Multiply all to get LCM i.e. LCM is
Simiilarly, let the three numbers be #8#, #12# and #20# and then
Observe that #color(red)(2xx2)# are common to the three. Observe this is #HCF# of three numbers.
What are others? #color(purple)2# is remaining in first, #color(green)3# remains in second and #color(blue)5# remains in the third number.
LCM is #color(red)(2xx2)xxcolor(purple)2xxcolor(green)3xxcolor(blue)5=120#