How do you solve this system of equations: #5x ^ { 2} - 2y = 1 and 4x + 5y = 47#?

1 Answer
Nov 1, 2017

Solution is #(-2.1564,11.125)# and #(1.8364,7.931)#


While the first equation #5x^2-2y=1# represents a parabola, #4x+5y=47# represents a straight line. Hence, there is a possibility of up to two solutions.

To solve them, wecan use substitution method. Drom first equation we get #2y=5x^2-1# and hence #5y=(5x^2-1)xx5/2=25/2x^2-5/2# and putting this in the equation for straight line, we get


or #25x^2+8x-99=0#

and #x=(-8+-sqrt(8^2-4xx25xx(-99)))/50#

= #(-8+-sqrt(64+9900))/50#

= #(-8+-99.82)/50# i.e. #-2.1564# or #1.8364#

For #x=-2.1564#, #y=(47-4xx(-2.1564))/5=11.125#

and for #x=1.8364#, #y=(47-4xx1.8364)/5=7.931#

Hence, the solution is #(-2.1564,11.125)# and #(1.8364,7.931)#

graph{(5x^2-2y-1)(4x+5y-47)=0 [-10.75, 9.25, 2.2, 12.2]}