Express #y-4 =-2(x-3)# in general form?

1 Answer
Jan 4, 2018



#y-4 =-2(x-3)#

Here we have an equation of a straight line.

Probably the most common form of the equation of a straight line is the so called, "slope and intercept" form.

Here #y=mx+c#; where #m# is the slope of the line and #c# is the #y-#axis intercept.

However, the most general form of the equation of a straight line is:

#ax + by +c =0#; where #a,b and c# are real constants.

Expanding the RHS of our equation:

#y-4 = -2x+6#

Hence, #2x+y -10=0# is our equation in its most general form, where #(a=2, b=1, c=-10)#

Incidentally, in slope and intercept form, this equation is:

#y=-2x +10#,

so the slope is #-2# and #y-#intercept is #+10# as can be seen by the graph of the general equation below:

graph{2x+y -10=0 [-28.88, 28.85, -14.43, 14.45]}