How do you solve #\frac { x + 3} { x - 7} \leq 0#?

1 Answer
Mar 7, 2018

Answer is #x# lies in the interval #-3 <= x < 7# or #[-3,7)#.


First let us work for equality. As #(x+3)/(x-7)=0# we should have #x+3=0# i.e. #x=-3#.

Now for inequality #(x+3)/(x-7)<0#, this means #(x+3)/(x-7)# is negative, which can be on two conditions

(1) either #x+3>0# (i.e. it is positive) and #x-7<0# (i.e. it is negative). This means #x> -3# and #x<7# i.e. #x# lies between #-3# and #7#. In other words it lies in the interval #-3 < x < 7#.

(2) or #x+3<0# (i.e. it is negative) and #x-7>0# (i.e. it is positive). This means that #x<-3# and #x>7#. But this cannot be.

Hence including #x=-3#, the answer is #x# lies in the interval #-3 <= x < 7# or #[-3,7)#.