Which curve is more steeper, isothermal or adiabatic? Explain please

1 Answer
Mar 25, 2018

Adiabats are steeper than isotherms.


When we graph adiabatics and isotherms, we might do so on a P vs. V diagram, or a pressure vs. volume diagram. Therefore, the slope of any curve on the graph is Deltay//Deltax=DeltaP//DeltaV.


For an isothermal process, we know that there is no change in temperature, i.e. DeltaT=0. Then, by the ideal gas law, we have:


Let's say PV=c, and separate our variables:


Now we'll take the derivative to look at the change in the variables (derivative = slope):


Let's rewrite our equation:


From above P=c/V, so making this substitution, we have:


For an adiabatic process, the energy input into the system by heating is necessarily zero, i.e. Q=0. We begin with the relationship PV^(gamma)="constant"


Again, we solve for P:


As with the isothermal process:


Where we have added one to gamma because it is V^(-gamma).



As gamma is always greater than 1, we see that the slope of an adiabat is greater than that of an isotherm by a factor of gamma.